
Sunday 28 April 2013

Five Reasons To ♥ This Skirt!

 1 - I mean look at it!! Who doesn’t look good in pleats?! The bright colour and soft flowing fabric will trick people into thinking I’m brave, sophisticated and drink white wine spritzers; whilst the pleather waistband is there to remind me that I’m really more of a tequila, beer and shame kind of girl! Muy caliente’!

2 - Every time I see it I hear this:

3 – You can buy this skirt for £10! Yes, just ten of your English Pounds!

You could literally buy this skirt with sofa-change!

4 - It comes in green too!
5 – It’s by Jovonna London, who I came across through, and if anyone knows how to make a girl feel like a chiffon clad Glamazon, apparently it’s these guys:

“Jovonna is inspired by girl about town who is living life to the full and has a passion about dressing up and looking fabulous.”

Well, vacuous copy and poor grammar aside; it’s a damn good skirt!

GTK Jovonna London:

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