
Saturday 17 August 2013

10 People Wearing Tartan Better Than You Ever Could!

OK so this whole never ending 90’s revival thing has FINALLY gotten around to my wavelength. No dear, I don’t want to look like I’ve lost my way to the set of Saved By The Bell and no dear, I don’t want to wear an ironic Kurt Cobain t shirt, complete with bullet holes (?!),  which is just way vintage because you got it from the back of the rail in Primark.

One of the biggest issues I have with this craze for the 5-minutes-ago-retro is how distorted the retrospective has become in such a short period of time; at least, that’s just not how it looked in the small portion of the early 90’s that I remember! That said, busting back out the Tartan? I loved it then and I think I could love it now. Sign me all the way up!

Whether it was oversized plaid flannel shirts, dungarees, baker boys, the obligatory pleated school skirt or the million other ways the fashion makers of the 1990’s managed to work tartan into every sartorial oraphis of our pre-millennium lives; it’s a strong look!

For AW13, almost all of the major design houses are showing tartan in some form and considering that for the last three years we seem to have just been reverting back to pleather, studs and metallics the moment that the first autumn leaf falls; it's actually really refreshing to see something a little more….wintry?  

So, if you don’t quite feel ready for the trend then brace yourself, because it will be everywhere this autumn!

To give you some inspiration on how to rock the sh*t out of this style without looking like a bag of shortbread; here’s the 10 finest examples of tartan-wearing ever recorded in history!

10) Hugh Jackman being a lumberjack, be still my beating everything!

9) SJP doing this...

8) Cyndi Lauper being Cyndi Lauper at the MTV 1984 VMA's...

 7) The fittie from this porridge box...

6) Hit Girl...

5) Braveheart being blates on trend!

4) The Craft girls being everything ever...

3) Liv Tyler being the perfect 90's babe in Empire Records...

2) Cher & Dionne; let's just "totally pause" for a second and let this sink in...

1) My So Called Life's Angela winning for outstanding contributions to plaid! #commitment

Go forth and check yourselves children xX

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